RSS Discovery, Dundee, Scotland

RSS Discovery

RSS Discovery

RRS Discovery was the last traditional wooden three-masted ship to be built in Britain. It was designed for Antarctic research, and launched as a Royal Research Ship (RRS) in 1901. Its first mission was the British National Antarctic Expedition, carrying Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton on their first, successful journey to the Antarctic, known as the Discovery Expedition. It is now a museum.


It is reputedly haunted. People have claimed to have heard phantom footsteps. One guest at a function there claimed she spent the evening talking to a man she could see, but whom remained unseen to all other guests!


Pictured above is the RSS Discovery courtesy of Kim Traynor.

Discovery Point,

Discovery Quay,


DD1 4XA.


For further information, please visit:


For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Richard Jones.


Visitor Information

The RSS Discovery is located at Victoria Point in Dundee, Scotland.

Discovery Point is a fully accredited museum to inform about Antarctic research.

Pictured is the RSS Discovery courtesy of John Ferguson. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.